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Trash or Treasure: 6 Tips for Effective Junk Removal

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is an old proverb that has seen a few variations over the centuries, but still has the same meaning. What you no longer need may be useful to someone else. The trick is working out what is still good and what is actually trash. This doesn’t mean doing a close inspection of everything you own. However, when it comes to spring cleaning, home renovations, or decluttering, you can go through smaller areas of the home and determine what someone else could use and what needs to go to the landfill. Litter and junk are on the rise, especially in highly populated areas, leading to the introduction of new by-laws and regulations. Junk removal in Toronto is easier, though, when you employ the skills and expertise of the right junk removal company.

1. Consider an item’s usefulness

Many people who make a living out of reorganizing another person’s home will say: “If it hasn’t been used for 6 months or longer, it needs to go.” This is a really good rule to stick to. If you can’t remember the last time you used an item, then it’s a safer bet that you no longer need it or you had even forgotten that you owned it.

2. Sentimental value

Some items, whether other people see them in the same light or not, hold a certain amount of sentimental value to you. These could be things that have been passed down through the generations or that remind you of a happier time. If the object provokes an emotional response, then the sentimental value is going to outweigh the trash factor, and the item can stay. However, if everything is provoking sentimental feelings, then you may need to rethink what is considered valuable and reevaluate these items.

3. Has an item been upgraded?

A lot of technology is now built to be upgraded within a certain amount of time. A blender that you bought five years ago, for example, could have had several upgrades, and you now own the latest model. Do you still need the original? Another way to look at it is this: if you get rid of the item now and then need it in a year, can you buy a replacement?

4. Can someone else benefit?

Perhaps that glassware set you absolutely had to have is now collecting dust and just sitting on the shelf. Is there someone else who could benefit from it? Maybe you have some old home exercise equipment that still works but is now doubling as clothes storage, or you were given two microwaves for your wedding and are only using one. Things that you don’t always use (or you have doubles of for whatever reason) could be of use to someone else. Consider donating such items to a local recreation centre or shelter.

5. Limited space issues

Over time, we can accumulate a lot of things—some small and some large. There may have been a time when the intent was to sort through and reorganize that spare room, but then life happened and years later, the pile grew. Now, it’s taking over. If space is an issue, then this is a great motivation to sort through that room or rooms and free up the space you are so dearly lacking.

6. Do you have a hidden nest egg?

Not everything will have sentiment value or a price tag that is still attached. Some items packed and stored away for years in a basement or attic may have a significant cash value attached to them. Set aside things that look old (and are potentially valuable), and then get them evaluated. That “trash” could help pay off your mortgage, so don’t dismiss antique items just because they are old or out of style.

What to Do Next

Once you have decided what is trash and what is treasure, you need a plan to know what to do next. Certain things, such as refrigerators, do require special handling due to the chemicals inside them. Paint and other liquids will also need special disposal. However, items like furniture, clothing, and toys can all find new homes elsewhere.

Trash Items

Anything that can be recycled should be. Old drink receptacles should go to the bottle depot. Broken cardboard boxes, papers, old tires, and electronics should all go to recycling stations. See what recycling options you have in your area. There may be costs associated with disposal (depending on what the items are), while others, like the bottle depot, will pay you to recycle.

Treasure Items

Fortunately, for your “treasure” things, there are a lot of options. Clothing can be taken to thrift stores or donation bins. Household items still in good condition can also go to thrift stores, or you can try to sell them on popular social media platforms. There are reuse centres for larger items. There, they are cleaned and sold for a cheaper price. Local schools often take donations for student projects. As long as the item is still in good condition, working or not, then it can be a great thing for students to work with.

Contact Our Junk Removal Experts in Toronto

When you are ready to take the plunge and start to sort the trash from the treasure, reach out to our junk removal experts in Toronto. They can help you clear away the garbage so that you can then deal with the keepsakes. Junk Works not only supplies the appropriate bin for your decluttering or home renovation project, but we also know what to do with items that you are not sure about. From landfill to recycling, reuse to donations, we can advise you on and even remove some of the trickier items for you so you don’t have to worry about getting it wrong. Let us help you sort the trash and then dispose of it correctly. Call us at 1-888-888-JUNK or contact us online to save money today.
Trash or Treasure: 6 Tips for Effective Junk Removal


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